Friday, April 2, 2010



Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Conclusion

Based on the results and data gathered on this study, the conclusions were drawn:

1.) Yes, there is a difference between the Pechay with treatment and without treatment it is shown on the data given found in chapter 4. It is proven that the plants with treatment is more effective and thus have higher rate on its average than the plants without treatment.

B. Recommendations

     This study contributes a lot to lessen the pollution in the environment if it was done with ample of time. It can help us to be more resourceful with things around us. Fertilizers can be use in any plants but with care and right amount. It can benefit us humans/ consumers from the chemicals that a plant contains because of commercial fertilizers. Thus, we can also help not adding more pollution to our polluted environment and we can now eat healthy vegetables because it is grown with the use of organic fertilizer which contains more nutrients that supplies the plants.

     So to anyone who wishes to pursue this study, the researcher recommends that further investigation must be done. More samples must be made and ample time is highly needed in order to have more accurate data results. Usage of another plant and fertilizer can also be recommended so that it can have more accurate data to be compared and contrast. It is to prove more the significance of the study.

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