Thursday, April 1, 2010



The study entitiled “Growing Pechay (Brassica Rapa) using Vermi Cast as Fertilizer was conceived to help vegetable growers mesmerize their products. Specifically, this aimed to lessen soil pollution, conserve soil moisture and enhance soil nutrients.

The procedure includes the following: gathering of soil and vermi cast, preparation of the Pechay plant, application of the organic fertilizer and data collection through observation.

There were 2 set-ups made. The set for the treated plants (with added fertilizer)and the set-up which served as the control (no added fertilizer). In each set-up there were five replicates. The following variables were controlled during the experiment: the type of fertilizer, type of soil, amount of fertilizer and the amount of sunlight.

Observations were done weekly.

Based on the actual results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

The application of organic fertilizer, improves the growth of the plant, conserve soil moisture and enhance soil nutrients.

The researcher acknowledges the weaknesses of the study made thus the following suggestions are highly noted.

1.) Growth of the vegetable must be tested not limiting to only one fertilizer.
2.) More replicates must be used to validate the results obtained.
3.) Ample time is highly needed in order to prove this study.
4.) Usage of another vegetable is recommended in order to have more accurate results.

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