Thursday, April 1, 2010



Background of the Study

Pechay (Brassica Rapa) is one of the most known vegetables in the Philippines. It is known as one of the oldest green vegetables in Asia. Pechay is cultivated in temperate regions worldwide. The Pechay has the largest terminal bud known for any plant. Both terminal buds and the leaves are edible.

The Pechay is a healthful food and easy to digest. It is rich in Vit. A, B, C, D and E. Also sulphur, phosphorus and iron. Aside from nutrients, you can also use the Pechay in many ways. Just like the broth and leaves which can be use as a remedy for diff. illnesses and it can also use in cooking.

In this study the researcher decided to grow Pechay on a fertilizer named as Vermi Cast. It is because we all know that nowadays most of the farmers make use of the commercial fertilizers that is very dangerous especially to the consumers. They said that commercial fertilizers are more effective especially if you want to sell more. It is also because of the fast development of technology which we can’t really avoid. So this study aims on producing a natural product which grows naturally using the compost of the Vermi worms.

Statement of the Problem

This study affects the growth of the Pechay (Brassica Rapa) using the vermi cast as fertilizer, significantly, it aims to answer the following questions:

A.) Is there any difference in the growth of the Pechay with treatment (with Vermi
cast) and with the Pechay without treatment?


A.) There is no difference in the growth of the Pechay with and without Vermi fertilizer.

Significance of the Study

In this study, the project aims to produce a natural product grown from natural fertilizers. In this way we can help our community to prevent the spread of pollution in soil to plants. It is because nowadays, most of the farmers use commercial to fasten the growth of the plat instead of using organic fertilizers. But they don’t know that as they use the commercial fertilizers produced from factories, they are also spreading diseases coming from the chemicals that they put in their plants. They are also adding pollution in the soil and air as well.

So instead of using commercial fertilizers, organic fertilizer was used in this study. It is to test the effectivity of the organic fertilizers. Growth of the Pechay using Vermi cast as fertilizer was also tested in the study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited only to organic fertilizer (Vermi cast) in determining its effectiveness based on the growth of the Pechay that was observed for several weeks. It is also limited to the places where the Pechay was planted.

Definition of Terms

Pechay – Scientific name: Brassica Rapa
Pechay is a green leafy vegetable with Vitamins such as A, B, C, D and E.
In this study, Pechay was the plant to be tested for the effectivity of the
vermi fertilizer.

Vermi cast – It is also a good organic fertilizer which plays a major role in converting
large pieces of organic matter into rich humus, and thus improves soil
fertility. In this study, this cast was used as a fertilizer to the Pechay

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