Thursday, April 1, 2010



With profound sense of gratitude and sincere appreciation, the researcher wishes to acknowledge the following persons for their invaluable support, guidance, understanding, encouragement and inspiration, for without them, this accomplishment would have remained unfinished.

To Ms. Balve G. Granido, research subject Teacher, Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School, the researcher’s mentor, for her expertise and invaluable assistance, enriching suggestions, encouragement, knowledge, as well as patience, professional guidance an direction towards the completion of this study.

To Mrs. Pura G. Villar, Head Teacher – III of Science Department, Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School, for her approval and in valuable support which made our study possible.

To My Classmates: Aprilyn Lapasaran, Recel Mae Segesmar, Ruby Jane Espinosa and Vera Rose Limas. For the memorable moment I shared with them, their company, invaluable assistance, moral support and encouragement.

To Mr. Danilo C. Kionisala, my Father who is always there to guide me, help me in cultivating my plants and my partner in making this project possible.
Lastly, to my Mother, Mrs. Gloria A. Kionisala and siblings: Danica Grace, Al Dominique and Dianne Gwynne, for their unwavering support, love, inspiration, understanding and to my mother who is always there to support me in my financial needs and most of all, to God Almighty, for His endless blessings, His love that has no limit, Grace with no measure, and His power that knows no boundaries.
Lord, Thank You Very Much.

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