Friday, April 2, 2010




September 15, 2009

Don Apolinar Velez St.
Cagayan de Oro City

Mrs. Pura G. Villar
Head Teacher III
Science Department

Dear Madam:


I am Desiree Gail A. Kionsala a fourth year student; section Newton at Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School, under the special science curriculum.

I would like to ask permission to conduct a study entitled “Growing Pechay (Brassica Rapa) using Vermi Cast as fertilizer”.

I hope for your favorable consideration on this endeavor.

Thank You and God Bless!

Very respectfully yours,


Noted By:

                 Research Teacher

Approved By:

(sgd.) Ms. PURA G. VILLAR
                Head Teacher III

September 15, 2009

Dear Parents,

Good Day!

I would like to inform you that your daughter, Desiree Gail Konisala of IV – Newton of this school (MOGCHS) will undergo a study entitled “Growing Pechay (Brassica Rapa) using Vermi Cast as Fertilizer”. This is part of their requirements in Science Research.

Based on the above premise, I would like you to give your full support (financial, moral, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual) to your child.

This endeavor will develop the research skills of your child which is part of their life-long learning.

Your positive action on this matter will give your daughter a meaningful success.

May God bless your family always.

Very truly yours,

                 Research Teacher



Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Conclusion

Based on the results and data gathered on this study, the conclusions were drawn:

1.) Yes, there is a difference between the Pechay with treatment and without treatment it is shown on the data given found in chapter 4. It is proven that the plants with treatment is more effective and thus have higher rate on its average than the plants without treatment.

B. Recommendations

     This study contributes a lot to lessen the pollution in the environment if it was done with ample of time. It can help us to be more resourceful with things around us. Fertilizers can be use in any plants but with care and right amount. It can benefit us humans/ consumers from the chemicals that a plant contains because of commercial fertilizers. Thus, we can also help not adding more pollution to our polluted environment and we can now eat healthy vegetables because it is grown with the use of organic fertilizer which contains more nutrients that supplies the plants.

     So to anyone who wishes to pursue this study, the researcher recommends that further investigation must be done. More samples must be made and ample time is highly needed in order to have more accurate data results. Usage of another plant and fertilizer can also be recommended so that it can have more accurate data to be compared and contrast. It is to prove more the significance of the study.






10 Pechay Plants

a.) 5 Pechay plants for untreated or control
b.) 5 Pechay plants for Vermi fertilizer

- potting soil
- Pots
- Vermi fertilizer
- Metric ruler
- Paper & pen

Preparation of the Planting Medium

The soil used in this study was a loam soil. The plants in this study were planted at a certain area where the plants could get enough sunlight and moderate temperature, appropriate to its kind. It was planted on a circular flat for seedling and a pot after being treated.


The first procedure made in this experiment was the gathering of all materials needed on which includes the cultivation of the Pechay seedling. After a week 2 set-ups were prepared with 5 cultivated Pechay each on every set-up. 250 g of Vermi fertilizer was also prepared it was applied to the first set-up of Pechay that also consists of 5 replicates same as the second set-up made but it was not treated with fertilizer. Plants were also watered after the re-planting and application of the fertilizer on the first set-up, and re-planting of the Pechay on the control/second set-up.


The application of the Vermi cast was done a week after cultivating the Pechay plants planted. The 250 g of fertilizer are mixed with the soil in each of the 5 pots on the first set-up. Then the seedlings were re-planted afterwards.


As the Pechay plants grow complete with its treatment, it was observed and measured weekly.

The following instruments were used:

Ruler                – a measuring device was used in measure the height of the plants.
Pencil               –a writing instrument used in recording data.
Data Table       – it is where the data’s were recorded.
Weighing scale – a weighing device used in measuring the right amount of fertilizer that was applied in the
                            first set-up of Pechay.

The following were observed:

a.) Height of the plants
b.) No. of leaves present in the plant

Thursday, April 1, 2010



Review of Related Literature

A good soil for growing plants is a loam soil. It is a soil composed of sand, silt and clay in relatively even concentration (about 40 – 20 – 20%) respectively, considered ideal for gardening and agricultural uses. It retains nutrients well and retains water. Lastly, it’s easy to work over a wide range of moisture conditions.

But plants need several key essential nutrients to grow. Without them, the plants will die. Most nutrients the plants consume in greater quantity than nature can replace naturally and we therefore fertilize to make nutrients available.

Fertilizer is any natural or manufactured material that is added to soil to increase plant growth. Since plants require primary nutritional elements such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and etc. they need to obtain all these elements from the soil, they must be added to soil’s deficient in them.

The Vermi cast is one of the most effective fertilizers used by farmers nowadays. Vermi Cast is from feeding action of earth worms. It contains nutrients that are readily taken up by plants, such as nitrates, soluble potassium and etc. both of this fertilizers are usually composted months or maybe a year before its applications to the plants. But in this study, the duration of composting was not adapted anymore. The fertilizer was just bought and gathered.



Background of the Study

Pechay (Brassica Rapa) is one of the most known vegetables in the Philippines. It is known as one of the oldest green vegetables in Asia. Pechay is cultivated in temperate regions worldwide. The Pechay has the largest terminal bud known for any plant. Both terminal buds and the leaves are edible.

The Pechay is a healthful food and easy to digest. It is rich in Vit. A, B, C, D and E. Also sulphur, phosphorus and iron. Aside from nutrients, you can also use the Pechay in many ways. Just like the broth and leaves which can be use as a remedy for diff. illnesses and it can also use in cooking.

In this study the researcher decided to grow Pechay on a fertilizer named as Vermi Cast. It is because we all know that nowadays most of the farmers make use of the commercial fertilizers that is very dangerous especially to the consumers. They said that commercial fertilizers are more effective especially if you want to sell more. It is also because of the fast development of technology which we can’t really avoid. So this study aims on producing a natural product which grows naturally using the compost of the Vermi worms.

Statement of the Problem

This study affects the growth of the Pechay (Brassica Rapa) using the vermi cast as fertilizer, significantly, it aims to answer the following questions:

A.) Is there any difference in the growth of the Pechay with treatment (with Vermi
cast) and with the Pechay without treatment?


A.) There is no difference in the growth of the Pechay with and without Vermi fertilizer.

Significance of the Study

In this study, the project aims to produce a natural product grown from natural fertilizers. In this way we can help our community to prevent the spread of pollution in soil to plants. It is because nowadays, most of the farmers use commercial to fasten the growth of the plat instead of using organic fertilizers. But they don’t know that as they use the commercial fertilizers produced from factories, they are also spreading diseases coming from the chemicals that they put in their plants. They are also adding pollution in the soil and air as well.

So instead of using commercial fertilizers, organic fertilizer was used in this study. It is to test the effectivity of the organic fertilizers. Growth of the Pechay using Vermi cast as fertilizer was also tested in the study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited only to organic fertilizer (Vermi cast) in determining its effectiveness based on the growth of the Pechay that was observed for several weeks. It is also limited to the places where the Pechay was planted.

Definition of Terms

Pechay – Scientific name: Brassica Rapa
Pechay is a green leafy vegetable with Vitamins such as A, B, C, D and E.
In this study, Pechay was the plant to be tested for the effectivity of the
vermi fertilizer.

Vermi cast – It is also a good organic fertilizer which plays a major role in converting
large pieces of organic matter into rich humus, and thus improves soil
fertility. In this study, this cast was used as a fertilizer to the Pechay







Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations
Definition of Terms


Flow Chart
Preparation of Planting Medium








With profound sense of gratitude and sincere appreciation, the researcher wishes to acknowledge the following persons for their invaluable support, guidance, understanding, encouragement and inspiration, for without them, this accomplishment would have remained unfinished.

To Ms. Balve G. Granido, research subject Teacher, Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School, the researcher’s mentor, for her expertise and invaluable assistance, enriching suggestions, encouragement, knowledge, as well as patience, professional guidance an direction towards the completion of this study.

To Mrs. Pura G. Villar, Head Teacher – III of Science Department, Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School, for her approval and in valuable support which made our study possible.

To My Classmates: Aprilyn Lapasaran, Recel Mae Segesmar, Ruby Jane Espinosa and Vera Rose Limas. For the memorable moment I shared with them, their company, invaluable assistance, moral support and encouragement.

To Mr. Danilo C. Kionisala, my Father who is always there to guide me, help me in cultivating my plants and my partner in making this project possible.
Lastly, to my Mother, Mrs. Gloria A. Kionisala and siblings: Danica Grace, Al Dominique and Dianne Gwynne, for their unwavering support, love, inspiration, understanding and to my mother who is always there to support me in my financial needs and most of all, to God Almighty, for His endless blessings, His love that has no limit, Grace with no measure, and His power that knows no boundaries.
Lord, Thank You Very Much.



The study entitiled “Growing Pechay (Brassica Rapa) using Vermi Cast as Fertilizer was conceived to help vegetable growers mesmerize their products. Specifically, this aimed to lessen soil pollution, conserve soil moisture and enhance soil nutrients.

The procedure includes the following: gathering of soil and vermi cast, preparation of the Pechay plant, application of the organic fertilizer and data collection through observation.

There were 2 set-ups made. The set for the treated plants (with added fertilizer)and the set-up which served as the control (no added fertilizer). In each set-up there were five replicates. The following variables were controlled during the experiment: the type of fertilizer, type of soil, amount of fertilizer and the amount of sunlight.

Observations were done weekly.

Based on the actual results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

The application of organic fertilizer, improves the growth of the plant, conserve soil moisture and enhance soil nutrients.

The researcher acknowledges the weaknesses of the study made thus the following suggestions are highly noted.

1.) Growth of the vegetable must be tested not limiting to only one fertilizer.
2.) More replicates must be used to validate the results obtained.
3.) Ample time is highly needed in order to prove this study.
4.) Usage of another vegetable is recommended in order to have more accurate results.


Don Apolinar Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City

“Growing Pechay (Brassica Rapa)

using Vermi Cast as Fertilizer”

A Research Paper
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement
Advance Research

Desiree Gail A. Kionisala